What is Blueberry?

Blueberry is an international retail company that operates in seven countries and has warehouses in Germany, Belgium and Netherlands. We sell packages of almost any kind of product. Also, we are official representatives of certain factories in the east Europe.

What are retailing specifications?

Our packages (stock) usually include a solid amount of products, but the price of each item in the deal is significantly smaller than the price on the retail market. Usually, prices get lower proportionally as the amount of purchasing products increases.

Purchasing procedure:

Since the package consists notable amount of products, the purchasing process is a bit complex. There are a few steps that need to be covered cautiously. So, purchasing stock happens via a sales consultant who will provide detailed information about our deals and buying procedures.

For clients:

We are tirelessly trying to provide efficient services and maintain international standards. For the sake of improvement, we are always eager to receive consumers’ feedback.

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